
Friday, 8 May 2015

Picture This #302 ~ Blue

Hi, this is Benni, your host this week. Marvelous banner shot by Heidi! I have chosen a simple theme that has plenty of possibilities. It's very simple: Blue. Anywhere in the picture: sky, water, a dress, or... Here are mine to get you started:

Florida soft shelled turtle
Brackish blue water and a soft shelled turtle. The pattern on her back is a reflection of the fence of the walkway.

Little Blue Heron
A blue heron, also known as a little blue heron to distinguish it from the great blue heron.

Shoes left at the beach.

Siberian Squill
Siberian Squill.

As always, have a great time finding and taking pictures.


  1. Hi benni wow what a cool banner thanks
    love the theme love all your examples

    1. Glad you like the theme! I love the banner as well, Mitch deserves credit for choosing it. It's perfect for this week's theme as well as last week's.

  2. Hi Benni !! Many thanks for hosting this week, great theme. Lovely shot of the turtle in the blue water. I love that shot of the 'Little Blue'. I don't think I've seen one that dark a blue before. Forgotten shoes, I wonder, or just no longer wanted? Wonderful shade of blue in the flowers!!

    1. Thanks, Mitch. Shoes are often left on the stairs by people leaving to go back North. It is a symbol of their intent to return. Don't know what happens to them.

  3. Beautiful shot of the turtle

    Exceptional capture

    They're of suede are they?

    Beautiful blue flowers

  4. wonderful unique photo of the turtle with the reflection. The blue heron is standing so perfectly still for the photo so that we can see the details. Still life with blue shoes, interesting and great shot of the blue flower.

    1. Thank you, Pat! So glad you enjoyed them.

  5. Hi Benni! Let me congratulate you for the choice of theme... blue... a colour that has been used for art, decoration and as a clothing dye since ancient times.... Your four shots show us four beautiful shades of blue ... I love this palette of blues.... the shoes left at the beach make me wonder where the wearer of thatt pair has gone to... perhaps swimming, walking along the shore or just watching the waves kissing some rocks nearby....

    1. Sorry to be so late responding. The wearer of the shoes has gone home. It is a tradition for some to leave shoes by the stairs to symbolize that the owner will return. Thank you and I am happy you enjoyed the pictures and the theme.
