
Saturday, 13 June 2015

PT CCCVII ~ Fields And Grass

Wonderful banner by Randall and theme from Pat.

My very first shot with my then newly bought digital system camera. A canola field.
 photo 1_zpszofxovlr.jpg

A field of ice near a place called Eelshacks
 photo 3_zpsdntrelc6.jpg

A donkey in a field of dandelions. "I love the taste of dandelions in the morning."
 photo 2_zpsqfahwdua.jpg


  1. Hi Anders!! great shots for Pat's theme. Lovely mellow yellow in that field of canola. I like your different take on the theme with the second shot!! Love the donkey munching on the dandelions.

  2. Magnificent yellow, Anders, in your first shot. The ice field is great, as Mitch said, nice take on the theme. Love the little donkey eating dandelions and the stream behind him.

  3. Three very good shots with a difference. Love the sea of yellow in the first and the ice field on the sea is very unusual. good catch of the donkey in the his field.

  4. I've never seen canola before, Anders! It sure makes a pretty picture!

    That's an impressive field of ice!

    The one of the donkey is the best! Great shots, all of them!

  5. I always love finding a field of canola as I move about the country side. Nice capture Anders. All great shots
