
Saturday, 21 March 2015

Picture This #295 ~ Unique, Funny Or Odd

Thanks for hosting Benni and congratulations on the great banner shot by Robert.

I would call this one 'spot the firebugs'. They are there enjoying the first days of sun.
Fire bugs in the rockery

This is a so-called Shire horse, his name is Guinness because of the white mouth. I think he was poking his tongue out at me.
Cart horse Feldbrunnen

Saw this perched on a gravestone in the local cemetery. Who is the odd one out?
Grave monument, Cemetery St. Kathrinen

And here it is Me after a four kilometer walk with Mr. Swiss. Resting on a bench, dressed in my walking gear and hoping to lose a few kilos in weight this year.
On a walk


  1. Hi Pat, love your pictures! I see one firebug in the lovely succulents in the sunny rocks. That's a great picture of a horse, he looks like he is having a good time. Maybe enjoying the sun as well. A very sweet picture of the angels; someone wanted to add a special touch. And a great picture of you; my goal is the same, taking kilos or pounds off by walking, an activity my doctor thinks will cure all ills. Good luck to us both.

  2. Hi Pat!! Great shots for Benni's theme!! The firebugs really seem to like those Sempervivum plants!! I can see quite a few in there!! Great shot of Guinness. He seems to be saying "where's my apple, Mrs Angloswiss????" LOL. Still trying to work out which is the odd-one-out amongst the angels (not really!!). What is written on the back of that bench you are sitting on?

    1. It's Swiss Graffiti. Will let you know the next time I need the bench.

  3. Hi Pat nice to see you smiling after that WALK LOL

  4. Wonderful capture of the bugs in the intricate petals of the flower

    "Are you poking your tongue at me, sir?"

    Lovely cherubs and little doll

    Terrific shot of you, Pat.

  5. Pat, wonderful photos for the theme. I like the horse's pose as if someone prompted it to do that. I like the photo of the odd one out. Nice photo of you on the bench. Thanks for the compliment on my photo.

  6. Very good choices for the theme, Pat! An example of flora, another of fauna, a piece of sculpture and as the happy end of the set...Excellent!
