
Saturday, 2 July 2016

Picture This #359 ~ In The Summertime

Since my father passed away, I have been busy, but I will be joining in this week. Next week I am off to England  for the funeral.

I have not been very much out and about lately, more than half hour walks are no longer possible and Summer time is somehing I no longer need since living in a place where I have my own summer.

One of our problems in summer is keeping the bathroom towels dry enough as it is so hot that we close the blinds during the day to keep the sun away. My solution is to hang them in the garden in the morning to dry
Drying towels 26.06.2016

Tabby decided that laying on the ground on the porch is too hot, so she found another place to cool off.
Tabby 01.07 (3)

The natural meadow has now been mowed down next to our garden and it will supply hay for the cows and other livestock in Winter. It is only allowed to be mowed at the end of June, beginning July, to ensure that the seeds are sown for next year.
Mowed meadow 01.07 (2)

And of course, the roses are now flowering - at last.
Roses 01.07 (9)


  1. "We're jest hangin'."

    "Im jest chillin'."

    Beautiful flowers

    Exquisite rose.

  2. So sorry to hear of your father's passing.

    Very nice pictures, I particularly like the cat on the table and the rose is exquisite!! Don't towels smell wonderful after having been sun dried?

  3. love your shots the grass is neat
    tabby is such a cool cat
    that rose is wonderful

  4. Hi Pat !!i was so sorry to hear about your dad. I was surprised to see you post this week, as I assumed you were already in London. Hanging towels outside wouldn't be an option lately here, as there have been quite strong winds. They would probably end up in Ireland!! Tabby always looks comfortable, wherever she decides to sleep. The meadows here are currently beimg cut by the local farmers, the tractors with their big trailers full of the cuttings rumble past regularly. Lovely shot of the pale rose.

    1. Wheels turn slowly in England and I will be going to London on 11th July.

  5. Hi Pat! I had already read the sad news you posted on Gooogle+ and dropped a short message of my sincere condolences.
    Four good choices, four nice shots, clearly depicting aspects of your summertime...
