
Saturday, 4 May 2013

Picture This #198 ~ Faces

This one was taken recently with my little point and shoot Panasonic Lumix 
 (grandson #2~first day at the beach face)
 photo c69d6c11-40a6-44fb-986f-2536c79af543_zpsbda9f40e.jpg

Taken in Seattle Washington  
with a "lower end" Olympus 35mm I owned many moons ago
(my daughter)

 photo f2a5a44e-5c2a-447b-b792-f664bdd6538c_zpsbbcc2428.jpg

Taken with my late Nikon D3000 (this camera died an accidental death)
(grandson #1~spaghetti/birthday face)
 photo 2d782c64-e80b-4f9f-a1ac-710ca20b181f_zps9bad2696.jpg


  1. *Big Smile* ................ I love your "Faces", Danette

  2. Three lovely portraits - taken with love

  3. Hi Danette!! Three really lovely photos for the theme!! Your younger grandson is definately going to be a beach-baby, he's really enjoying it. Cute shot :-)) Lovely shot of your daughter. Just had to smile at the 'spaghetti face' of your other grandson is the third shot.

  4. Lovely children and grandchildren, just love the one of your daughter with the huge flowers.

  5. Cute is the word!! Wonderful shot of your daughter and the birthday boy.

  6. very good choice, so nice and familiar. ciao

  7. Cool trio, Danette! You have reasons to be proud of them...

  8. All nice happy faces and sorry about the sudden death of your camera.

  9. Oh my what beautiful grandchildren you have Danette, and the size of those flowers beside the beautiful face are awesome.

  10. Three beautiful captures as usual my friend;)

  11. That first shot is just absolutely adorable! Such a happy baby! It's a joy to see!

    Pretty shot of your daughter next to those bodacious dinnerplate Dahlias! They are HUGE!

    Sorry to hear your Nikon died.It's like losing an old friend, isn't it? great shot of the birthday boy. He has the most amazing blue eyes!
