
Saturday, 9 June 2018

Picture This #453 ~ Rocks, Stones And Pebbles

Good day to all, I have enjoyed your pictures for this great theme. Here are my offerings:

An armadillo scuttles along the rocks in this picnic area.

Agawa pictographs
The orange is lichen, the red figures were painted by the Ojibway people a few hundred years ago on a cliff overlooking Lake Superior in Canada.

Dusk in Florida, Caspersen Park.


  1. Hi Benny! Love your three interpretations of this week's theme. The top one for the the animal element that smooths the hardness of the rocks. Perhaps he was looking for some remains from a picnic.... Historic art in the second... very serene seascape in the third shot that pictures a beautiful light, too...

  2. Hi Benni !! Wonderful shots for the theme. Love that first shot. Armadillos are so cute. Would love to have one as a pet. Great capture of the petroglyphs on the rock...they looks a bit like closed eyes on a sleeping face. Lovely evening light in your final shot.

  3. hi benni love your shots firslove the last one t I thought the armadilo was a rat thank goodness not lol the petroglyphs cool

  4. Wow! I love the painting on the rocks! I've always hoped I would come across something in the wild like that, I mean, beside arrowheads, which were pretty numerous when we were kids. Lovely shot of the beach rocks and the armadillo. It must have walked very gingerly over those rocks. It looks like it could topple right over at the wrong move.

  5. Wonderful rocky patio.

    Amazing rockwall

    Beautiful seascape
