
Saturday, 23 June 2018

Picture This #455 ~ Getting Away

Many thanks to Benni for hosting this week. A great theme, with lots of possibilities. I decided to split my entries between local places I enjoy visiting and far-away places I've visited. So, two of each. 

1) Aberglasny House, about thirty miles from where I live, has beautiful formal gardens.
Gardens 1

2) At the Grand Canyon, there are other things to see apart from the canyon this traditional Hopi house.
Hopi House 2

3) The River Cleddau, just three miles from where I live, is a great place for canoeing. In this photo I had gone about five miles up-stream to the old mill at Black Pool.
Black Pool Mill 1

4) When visiting New York, this is one landmark you must see!!
Liberty 12


  1. Hi Mitch, magnificent shots! The formal garden is lovely with the woman in red adding interest and contrast. I am particularly interested in the Hopi house as my father-in-law spent some time in the 30's living with them. Cool beautiful shot of the river and hidden house (with water wheel?) and grand picture of Lady Liberty. All of your pictures seem to have one element that draws my eye in.

  2. hi mitch love your shots
    yes those Hopi Houses are cool
    your park wow
    love the river shot
    and of course our real First Lady

  3. Grandeous garden

    Magnificent building

    Serene and beautiful

    It is a beautiful statue.

  4. Hi Mitch! Excellent choice for this week's theme. Love the manicured garden... Awesome building of stone masonry in the second shot... Serenity at its best in the third photo... I agree with you, Mitch! Visiting New York city and not seeing the Statue of Liberty is hard to understand...
