
Saturday, 2 December 2017

Picture This #428 ~ Many Faces Of Winter

Many thanks to Heidi for hosting this week. A very apt theme for this time of year. It's gone a lot colder here in the last week, but no snow so far. In fact  snow only falls in my area about once every four - five years. Here's some from a few years back.

1) Snow Lane.
Snow Lane

2) River Towey in winter, as it flows through Carmarthenshire.
The River In Winter

3) Frosty Leaves.
Winter Green 1

4) Snowstorm approaching on a bright winter's day.
Storm Clouds Gather


  1. Hi Mitch yes we also only get very little snow when we do it melts in a day or two and I am a sun bunny not a snow bunny
    love your snowy lane and leaf is so cool and two landscapes are very nice

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What great shots. Love the curve in the path in the first one and the background trees. The river Towey shows an icy cold waterway with lovely greys and blues. Marvelous macro of the frost on the leaves. And fascinating drama in the sky in the last shot. The cloud is the show stealer, but the sun on the gate is perfect.

  4. Lovely photo of the snow lane and the shadows of the trees on the snow.Great view of the river. Like the way you have captured the width of the river. That must be the leaf that forgot to fall in Autumn and a wonderful capture of the snowstorm. I am a cloud person.

  5. Waiting around the snowy bend...

    Serene and beautiful winterscape

    Natural art!

    Beautiful majestic expanse

  6. Hi Mitch! Once again, I have no words to express how beautiful the shots I see on here are... From the top to the bottom, I can't select my favourite... all of them show clearly your talent...
