
Saturday, 30 December 2017

Picture This #431 ~ New Year

Getting ready to leave for warmer climes. Here are some shots I took on previous New Year's Day, or the day after.

Smoky mountains
The Great Smoky Mountains, flying south.

Moon in the pine
Moon with a large Florida pine tree.

Just playing around the evening we arrived last year.


  1. Hi Benni !! Great shots for the theme, not surprised they are connected to your annual sojourn to sunnier climes!! Love the shot of the Smokey Mountains rising through the clouds. Wonderful crescent moon shot, can almost hear the insects chirping. Perfect view while sipping a cold beer, methinks. Warm inviting light in the final shot. Have a great trip!!

  2. Hi Benni! Your shots are like gold keys to get locked your taking part in PT this year...

  3. Beautiful and majestic mountain vista and moonshot

    Warm and welcoming window

  4. hi benni and great shots and have a wonderful time down south get lots of vitamine D and stay safe hugs
