First of all Happy New Year to all and may it be a good one.
Thanks Mitch for hosting with a good theme and also for featuring my glittery Poinsettia as banner photo.
I decided to avoid plants where possible in my photos and look for something different.
This is the new bottle bank at my supermarket. The plastic bottles are now crushed automatically when you put them through the slot. Glass bottles seem to have disappeared, but there is also a slot for them somewhere.

Saw this Mini Cooper parked next to our car so thought it would be a good subject for a photo and brought some memories back of Mr. Swiss first own car, although I did not know him then and it was many years ago. Today they have re-modernised them.

I was sitting outside and a grasshopper appeared. When he saw my camera, it was show time on the Bromeliad.

A cabbage study.