Thanks for hosting Heidi and a lovely banner photo from Belita
My days of summer fun have long gone, and my summers are now spent at home. I no longer feel the need for beaches and I never was a good swimmer. My photos of beaches are not digital. I should scan them into the computer.
I do not get out so much lately, and most of my new photos are in and around the home. We mainly eat outside on the porch. We are sheltered from the rain with a roof above and it is very comfortable. Being next to the kitchen door there is no problem in transporting the food. On the rare occasions when the weather is not so warm, we stay inside. I also have an electric plug outside for the computer, although for my Apple I do not really need it.
We also have a front garden, which is cooler. Here I also have a small table and on hot days it is very pleasant to sit here with the computer and write or I might take a few photos. I took this photo today and yes, it was raining.
Not wanting to bore you with only in front of the house, and at the back of the house, a year ago I was in the Mosel Valley in Germany, for my son's wedding. Yes he is not already married a year and they are now buying their own house. This is a view from where I was staying, at the house/hotel belonging to my daughter-in-law's parents. Everyone grows grapes, wine is the only industry and they also have quite a few vineyards. It has been in the family for a few generations.
And here is my shadow taking a photo of the grapevines as they were growing. This was in July, so the grapes are not yet big enough to harvest. Everything is on a slope and the ideal worker is the one with one leg half the length of the other, otherwise you are permanently standing on a slope.