First of all please excuse if I happen to repeat photos this week as we have had this theme in other ways often and I really cannot remember what I have already posted. Blogger is also not a very co-operative programme in helping to find out.
This is Fuzzy, a dog belonging to a friend of ours. He was found roaming the streets of Croatia some years ago, and so she adopted him. He has a problem with a paw, so he always has to wear his little red shoe to protect it.

This is mum and dad swan taking a swim on the our local River Aar. The cygnets were born this year.

We pass this groups when we drive to the supermarket. One of the local gardening places has them at the entrance, something like Grimm's town musicians.

I am not sure if birds count on this one, but here are two pigeons getting to know each other on the town wall of our local River.