Well I love playing with light. I just don't do it enough. I have gotten a few remote switches that allow me to control the camera without touching it in those low light play grounds. I recommend it for anyone that does not already have one for their cameras. Being able to set the aperture and speed to allow for a whole different interpretation of shots. Capturing movement, getting light trails or just getting light cast with a flashlight. It is all fun.
Here it is flat so I need to work on getting more interest in traffic lights. But after going out and shooting these types of photos, I realize the things I will be looking for. What design to find and when to go to capture it. Rush hour, road clearing or just when you can catch one car on the road. I have more work to do. LOL
Now setting up a shot with low light and making it work. Light is what photography is all about, right? Just right, not enough or too much, but then again using those can make for some fun shots, just because.
Light as far as fun can be used a lot of ways. Even breaking up the winter seasons when not much else comes to your eyes, and allows us to play with what we have on hand. Just having a shooting session and shooting nothing, or cool shots showing Items in a different light.
Not shooting the nights in Fairbanks, I do miss, but themes like this make me want to find more creative ways to use the camera and come up with wonderful shots from the dark side. He he Night time and playing with lights.