Congratulations on the very original banner photo - I wonder if the lady knows how famous she has become. And thank you Belita for hosting this week with an interesting theme. Immediately began to have a smashing time at home :-)
Our cat Nera, may she rest in peace in the eternal corn chambers chasing mice, once broke her leg. She had a few mad moments with her play center which fell onto her paw. It knitted together again, but she lost two claws and had to wear a plaster for a few weeks. However, that was nothing for a cat, she still managed to jump and escape now and again, although she was not supposed to go out - that was Nera.
Since not being as active with the camera as I would like to be, I compensate by taking photos from the car, although now and again I do take a walk with the camera. Anyhow, on the way to the supermarket last week we passed an accident. Two cars were involved in a frontal crash because the driver of this car had lost the control over her car. Everyone survived, although this lady was seriously injured, the other not so bad. I felt like a newspaper reporter and this car was definitely broken.
This sweet pea pod had broken open to release the seeds. They grow everywhere in my garden in summer.
The ground had been broken on the local parking at the supermarket, so I had plenty of opportunities to take a few photos.