First of all, thank you to Mitch for choosing my photograph of Warner Beach, Amanzimtoti River and Town as our Banner this week. I am truly honoured.
Dearest Pat ......... Thank you for hosting and with hilarious mirth choosing such a fun theme. I always manage a giggle or chuckle at your posts, you have the most terrific sense of humour, which I once again say, delight me again and again. (((( HUGS))))
I have a camera in my handbag at all times, together with my cell-phone would feel naked without either and panic if I do manage to go out and one is not with me. I take pictures of everything to the irritation of many of both friends and family, you never know, you know. I think stems back to the days, when I had to think before taking a picture as it cost a lot of money to develop 30 snaps of the neighbours cat or something equally silly, ask my darling youngest daughter, we have countless absolutely useless photographs of cats, dogs, ponies and her rat and several unmentionables, when she would borrow my little fuji for the master shot of the year, which never happened.
Here is mine, I have hundreds if not thousands, but not as organised as those of you, who keep files, so had to hunt around for something a bit different, taken with the thought of "well, who knows, one day?"
1. This is Biltong, a dried delicacy, traditionally done with venison, to keep for long treks over the
veld and when on the move. It has become synonymous with South Africa, world wide, together with
Braaivleis, Boerewors, Brandewyn en Coke, Castle Beer, Marmite on toast, Rugby, Langarm Dans en
Boeremusik. You hear someone refer to a kind of Beef Jerky as Biltong, you know he is from here.
This photo was taken at our local Butchery,Meat World in Fairlands, Johannesburg, where I was
deliberating which piece to buy to watchthe final match, while Melissa was chatting up the
youngster in training to get a discount .

2. Do you know Nando's Sauces? Not sure how far and well known The Nando Portugese Chicken outlets
are distributed. Well this is South Africa's take on a sauce with a skop in it. For real, *gasp*,
*take a breath* *help I need water* sauces, Mama Zulu's sauces are unbeatable. I took this shot
while having lunch at Beaver Creek Coffee Plantation, just outside Port Edward, Kwa-Zulu Natal
South Coast Waiting for our food, took a stroll through their delicatessen, novelty and gift shop.
3. Leaving food behind so as not to tempt anyone to indulge this afternoon. In the tiny town of
Magaliesburg, North West Province, going for a stroll, with my besties, who was not impressed.
I found this lovely Cowboy outside a Leather Shop. UUUUUh, just the thing for me. Handmade Saddles
Briddles, Belts etc Send the daughter dear in Zimbabwe a picture of a Saddle, by Whats App, she
goes "have you got enough in your credit card, buy it, please buy it, momsie"

I will have to love you and leave you for the moment, will try to back later to look and comment on the other entries, but the sun is shining, my veggie patch needs to be watered and both the budgie aviary and the wild bird aviaries need cleaning and new bushes etc. I have now used 2 hours in the office in freezing cold , getting photographs, editing, uploading and all. Amazing how time consuming it is, but so much fun. I like to give a theme the shots it deserves and not just willy nilly post anything. I am well aware of how much time and thought it takes to host. I do hope you will enjoy my little piece of my world in this one.