Sunday, 30 November 2014
Picture This #279 ~ Wood
Hi all and Happy Thanksgiving to all our cousins in the USA.
Thanks to Mitch for selecting my shot for the header its much appreciated.
I decided to dig back into my archive for this weeks theme to see what I had taken in the past that would fit the bill, these are the shots I selected I hope you like them.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend ;)
Greetings from Red
Itasca State Park Minnesota, on a road trip to photograph the Mississippi River from its source in the park to the Iowa state line.
A contact of mine in the state conservation service had persuaded the Park to let me use a cabin in mid-winter even though the park was closed, this little fellow was the first living thing to greet me on my trip up to the Canadian border.
Forgotten Wood
On the way south from Itasca a huge snow storm threatened to snow me in, so to I took a detour East into Wisconsin, but the snow just followed me LOL!!
Out in the Wisconsin Farm country I saw many of these old deserted farm houses.
Okefenokee Night
On a road trip in Florida and Georgia I took a detour into the Okefenokee Swamp for a few days, this was a shot taken from a swamp boat at dusk.
The Okefenokee Swamp is a shallow, 438,000 acre (1,770 km²), peat-filled wetland straddling the Georgia–Florida border in the United States.
A majority of the swamp is protected by the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge and the Okefenokee Wilderness. The Okefenokee Swamp is considered to be one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Georgia.
Okefenokee is the largest "blackwater" swamp in North America. The term Okefenokee in Native American is "land of trembling earth". The swamp was designated a National Natural Landmark in 1974.
Island View
This shot was taken on one of the last trips I took with my Dad before he passed and holds many fond memories for me.
Its one of the highest points in the Dorset Hills and although over 30 miles away you can see all the way to the Isle of Wight on a clear day!!
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Picture This #279 ~ Wood
Congratulations to you, Baz, on your majestic photograph of the morning sun. Truly inspirational for our banner.
I like the theme of wood; I live in on a wooded lot and the trees seem alive to me and wood seems like an almost sacred thing.
My husband made this for the birds, but squirrels moved in and ate the perch and made other modifications.
New growth from an old Norfolk pine in Florida.
Also from Florida, an old chair, no longer usable without some work, in the shade of a palm tree.
This is major wood. My neighbor came to me about this 180-year-old red oak which spread out over our property line. Heavy limbs grew over his house and he called an arborist because it was leaning. The arborist found evidence of root rot and predicted the tree could fall over, so, sadly, we had it cut down. Sure enough the core was hollow and I could get my arm into it at least this far. Probably farther, but it was difficult to hold the camera up and shoot with one arm while the other was in the tree. Plus it was a little scary. The stump here is under a meter high and I could get my arm all the way in and still not touch bottom.
Picture This #279 ~ Wood
A very good subject for this week, and an opportunity to find perhaps a few photos never before seen by mankind (that sounded good). Lovely banner picture by Baz, has something "old master" to it.
We treated ourselves to a new table and chairs this year for outside on the porch, all in wood.

This mistletoe settled itself on the wood of a tree just around the corner to where I live.

Sometimes the wood has to be cut back, especially in town.

And Tabby telling us that "the old rocking chair just got me", all in wood.

Picture This #279 ~ Wood
Hi everyone, this is Mitch, and I'll be your host for this week's challenge. Before we get to this week's theme, can I please remind members, again, that this group is only just barely big enough to keep going and that it needs your full support. This means taking an active part. Please try to visit and comment on ALL the entries in each week's theme. And this means not just at the weekend, but coming back later in the week to catch the late-comers!! Thanks!!
Ok, this week's theme is WOOD. It can be anything made of wood. This should be an easy theme, so no excuses for not taking part!! Here are mine:
1) An old greengrocer's hand-cart.
2) A wood sculpture at the National Wetlands Centre, Wales
3) Hand-painted wooden elephant from India.
4) Wood at it's most it's natural state.
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Congratulations Benni!! Very beautiful banner photo!!
Not necessarily the best, but I took them a few weeks ago and I like them...
At the market ...
At a park...
At a car boot sale (taken with my cell phone)
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Picture This #278 ~ The Best Most Recent Photos
Thanks for hosting Debby and congratulations to Benni on the super banner photo.
I take photos constantly, but I write more constantly and basically my choices often rely on what I am writing, so my photos are sometimes out of the ordinary. Not always full of beautiful details, and the subjects can be a little strange. So I have to show the most recent photos, here we go.
I would say vegetarians look away or the squeamish, but honestly I didn't kill anyone, the calf was already dead when I bought the liver. I just found it would come in handy for a blog one day perhaps. The broccoli was cooked as a veg to the liver and bacon.

Further in text, when I am on the rampage I always take a knife with me

And here is the broccoli, which is quite harmless. It didn't bleed when I cut it, just screamed.

And for the grand finale, my open fridge (no blood and no horror relics - I hope)

Picture This #278 ~ The Best Most Recent Photos
Many thank to Debby for hosting this week, despite the fact her laptop computer died and it's replacement only arrived at the very last minute!! Good idea for the theme, there should be lots of variety!!
My most recent set of photos was from a trip just two miles up the road to the Pembroke Wetlands walk, for some very late autumn shots. There is a small stand of Beech trees there that have just about the only good autumn colours round here. Or so I thought!! On the way back, I spotted a little stand of three red maples, so stopped for a few shots of those, too!!
1) Autumn Gold
2) Russet Maple
3) Late Autumn
4) Red Maple
PT CCLXXVIII ~ The Best Most Recent Photos
This compass-rose in stone is set at one of many memorials of fishermen, from the little west-Scanian village of Råå, who perished in the Öresund, the strait between Sweden and Denmark.

This pier stretches out from the beach in Råå called Råå Vallar - a defense works which was constructed to fend off the Russian incursions during the 18th century.

A view of the Råå Vallar beach.

Picture This #278 ~ The Best Most Recent Photos
Thank you so much for using my Lady Slipper as banner shot. I am honored.
Cold weather has come swiftly to Michigan this year, snow, sleet, and temps down to 9ºF/-12ºC. The last batch I have is from mid-October, before the cold snap hit.
Solomon Seal fronds catching Oak leaves
A Red Maple
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